Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Literature Review Essays

Literature Review Essays Literature Review Essay Literature Review Essay This review covers reading as a subject generally and also in L 2 environment. It further considers the various models of reading propounded by researchers and authors.   It also takes a look at differences between a reading strategy and a reading skill. It then outlines and classifies the various learning strategies in use. Specifically, it reviews strategies for reading, pre-reading, while reading and post-reading. It also delves into the strategies good readers use to get by. It further reviews available literature on strategic reading and teaching of reading strategies. The last segment of the review is devoted to difficulties encountered in teaching reading strategies.1.0 Reading:Reading as a subject has been defined in several ways by different people and organizations. WorldNet (2007) has defined reading in seven distinct ways. Two of the definitions relevant to our subject matter are given below:-a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reading is the â€Å" cogn itive process of understanding a written linguistic message†b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reading is a â€Å" mental representation of the meaning or significance of something†According to the Encyclopaedia, an adult reader can read and understand between 200 -1000 words per minute. Catherine Walter (2003), on the other hand, has given 300 words per minute as the optimal rate for processing prose. She added that for fluent adult readers, this rate is constant, regardless of whether the text was difficult or not.   Generally for young readers, the ability of one to read often depends on the rate of fixation of one’s eye on the words being read and also the difficulty of the material being. Reading is a core subject given greater emphasis in most schools throughout the world.2.0     Models of Reading:Two kinds (models) of processing are distinguishable in reading. These are the bottom-up processes and the Top-down processes. The former involves those that take in st imuli from the outside world in the form of letters and words for reading. Adherents of this theory (bottom up processing) focus on how readers extract information from the printed page. Whereas the latter, the uptake of information is guided by an individual’s prior knowledge and expectations. Proponents of this theory posits that readers form hypothesis about which words they would encounter and take in only enough visual information to test their hypothesis.   Acceptance or rejection of a given text is based primarily on what their formed hypothesis is all about. If the formed hypothesis is consistent with what has been read the material is readily accepted. On the other hand, if the read material is not in congruent, the material may be rejected. In practice, she added that, both processes (bottom-up and top-down) are tapped into to facilitate accurate and rapid processing of information.3.0     Reading in second language (L2):Studies undertaken by Schoonen, Hulstij n and Bosser (1998) on Dutch learners of the English language revealed that as proficiency grew, meta-cognitive knowledge contributed to a greater extent to reading comprehension skill acquisition. They further added that knowledge of textual characteristics and reading strategies played greater role in supporting the comprehension gained from reading. Sheory Mokhtari (2001) called their tool the â€Å"Survey of Reading Strategies† (SORS). In one of their studies, they assessed the differences in reading strategies between native speakers (US) and non-native speakers of English. The study revealed that ESL students reported a higher usage of strategies to get by than their US counterparts. Also, the ESL students reported using a greater number of supportive reading strategies. As an entire group, however, the study showed no significant gender differences. On the other hand, the female ESL students admitted using the strategy of underlining information in the text more their male colleagues (ESL students). Interestingly, students who gave themselves higher scores for reading ability also reported using a higher frequency of reading strategies than those readers who gave themselves a lower rating.Catherine Walter (2003) has pointed out that less skilled L2 readers do not necessarily have fewer strategies than skilled readers, but that they are less able to choose the most appropriate strategy for the problem at hand. On the basis of this knowledge, this author counselled teachers to help learners become aware of the strategies they use sometimes unknowingly when reading as well as other strategies available to them and how these strategies can be used selectively. From this account, we can learn that the problem with L2 readers are not so much about the lack of knowledge of reading strategies   but more importantly the ability to apply the most appropriate reading strategy for a given problem.   According to Catherine Walter (2003) several studies in volving L2 students have confirmed that those of them who engaged in extensive reading over a period of time showed significantly more improvement in L2 writing skills than the control groups, who did not practice extensive reading of any kind. She attributed this effect to the unconscious acquisition of the rhetorical conventions of L2 written genres.4.0     Reading Strategy   versus   Skill:Reading strategy is the plan the reader adopts to accomplish a given reading goal. Reading skills, on the other hand, is the reading ability acquired that enables the reader achieves a given reading goal. There are four strategies of reading a material effectively. First, they change their reading speed depending on the difficulty of the material. Secondly, they show a greater tendency to re-read the material, especially when the reading material is considered â€Å"hard†. Thirdly, good readers set for themselves a definite purpose for reading a given material. Fourthly, they ask themselves questions as they read the material. These strategies enable them to look for definite answers from the given text. Furthermore, it also increases their concentration and ability to draw meaning from the material read. They endeavour to visualize what the author is seeking to convey to them from the reading material.What separates good or successful readers from the poor ones often lies in the ability of the former to solve problems that relate to (a) difficult words (b) distractions (c) disagreements with the author (d) nervousness (e) lack of prior knowledge of the subject matter being read and (f) lack of definite purpose.With regards to difficult words, good readers try to re-read the previous sentence before them or try to substitute them to gain comprehension. Another means they employ to overcome difficult vocabulary is to write it down and find its meaning, as writing itself is a good way for recalling information read.The internet has become part and parcel of t he daily lives of many persons including L2 readers. Recognizing the increasing importance this information and communication medium plays in the lives of L2 readers, Anderson (2003) carried out a study to find out (a) The online reading strategies employed by second language readers. (b) Whether online reading strategies of English as a second language readers (ESL) differ from English as a foreign language reader (EFL). He found the under listed as the top twelve reading strategies most widely used. Of these strategies, eight (67 percent) were problem-solving ones, whilst the other four (33 percent) were global reading strategies.(a)   I try to get back on track when I lose concentration (problem-solving strategy).(b) When on-line text becomes difficult, I pay closer attention to what I am reading (problem-solving strategy).(c) I read slowly and carefully to make sure I understand what I am reading online (problem-solving strategy)(d) When I read online, I guess the meaning of u nknown words or phrases (problem-solving strategy)(e) I try to guess what the content of the online text is about when I read (Global strategy(f) I think about what I know to help me understand what I read online (Global strategy(g) I can distinguish between fact and opinion in online texts (Problem-solving strategy(h) I try to picture or visualize information to help me remember what I read online (Problem-solving strategy)(I) When reading online, I decide what to read closely and what to ignore (Global strategy)(j) I adjust my reading online (Problem-solving strategy)(k) I scan the online text to get a basic idea of whether it will serve my purposes before choosing to read it (Global strategy).This research worker also found that the only significant difference between EFL and ESL readers were in the use of problem-solving strategies. The former group reported a higher use of problem-solving strategies than their counterparts. The predominant reason assigned to these findings was that the differences between ERL and ESL learning environments were diminishing with the advent of the internet, the increased use of Radio, television and other information and communication technologies.5.0 Classification of learning strategies:Cohen (1996) has drawn attention to the fact that the differences in criteria of classification often cause inconsistencies and mismatches across existing taxonomies and other categorizations. According to Cohen (1996) some strategies are behavioural and can be directly observed, whereas others are mental and behavioural but which are not observable. There are other learning strategies that are purely mental. He also added that another approach by which learning strategies can be classified is to label them as belonging to ‘successful’ or ‘unsuccessful’ learners. Strategies are also distinguishable from one another according to whether they are cognitive, meta-cognitive, affective or social.6.0 Strategic Reading:St rategic reading simply means purposeful reading. This is the reading in which the reader adjusts his reading to a specific purpose he has in mind. He uses a variety of strategies and skills to pawn out meaning from what he is being read. According to Eduplace (2007) a strategy is a plan selected deliberately by the reader to accomplish a specific goal or complete a given task. When narrowed to the subject of reading, it means having a deliberate plan to accomplish a specific reading goal. When a reader or student is capable in selecting the use of strategy unconsciously, he achieves expertise in using that strategy (Eduplace, 2007). Apart from strategies, Eduplace (2007) affirms that expert readers use a number of comprehension and study skills to grasp meaning from the material being read. Research has shown that readers develop reading skills and strategies 7.0 Teaching reading Strategy:Reading strategies can be taught and learnt. When reading strategies are well grasped by the st udent or reader, they are able to draw meaning from what they read quickly. Reading in this wise become profitable. What sets good readers apart from poor ones are the strategies they adopt before, during and after reading. Whereas poor readers start reading without giving forethought to the reading process and topic, good readers make a deliberate effort to build their own prior knowledge about the topic. Zimmermann and Hutchins (2003) have identified seven strategies used by good readers to unlock meaning from a given text. These are: (a) They create mental images and also become emotionally involved with what they read (b) They use their relevant prior knowledge before, during and after reading to enhance their understanding of what they have read (c) They ask relevant questions to clarify meaning and also pay particular attention to what is important (d)They identify key ideas or themes as they read (f) They also synthesis information (g) They use fix-up strategies such as re-re ading, skipping ahead, asking questions, using a dictionary. These authors further pointed out that good readers use the same strategies whether they reading ‘soft’ material such as a magazine or a ‘hard’ text such as textbook. The goal of all reading instruction therefore is to help the student overcome reading difficulties and ultimately become expert readers. By becoming expert readers, it enables the student achieve independence and use the literacy for life-long learning. Taberski (2000) has described the strategies for teaching reading in primary schools. He presented a material organized around a series of interconnected interactions with the learner as assessment, demonstration, practice and response. He outlined the role of the teacher in this approach, how to set up the classroom environment, how to assess reading and also showed how effective strategies and skills could be demonstrated.8.0   Difficulties in   teaching reading strategies:Many researchers and authors have acknowledged the difficulties in teaching reading strategies (Anderson, 1999; Beers, 2003). Bereiter and Bird (1985) reported that analysis of protocols from adults thinking aloud while reading identified four potentially teachable strategies. This study involved eighty students in grades seven and eight. They found that neither strategy modelling and practice alone, nor question and answer comprehension activities were effective. They confirmed that even in the successful group, instruction was effective with only three of the strategies. Recounting her own trials and tribulations when helping seventh grade students to learn to read, Beers (2003) considered the difficulties involved in teaching reading strategies to students or pupils. She pointed out that even with high-quality reading instruction in the early grades, it is necessary for middle and high school teachers to help students refine, practice and in some cases, develop the skills of readers.A ccording to Anderson (1999) developing a personal philosophy of teaching can be difficult to many a teacher, if not totally elusive. He offered help with a philosophy built around the word ACTIVE, which serves as the organizing mnemonic. ACTIVE consists of the first letters of six of the eight elements of this approach as: A – Activate prior knowledge C – Cultivate vocabulary T – Teach for comprehension I – Increase reading rate V – Verify reading strategies E – Evaluate progress.The last two elements are: Consider the role of motivation and select the appropriate materials. Clearly, teachers that adopt this procedure can overcome some of the difficulties encountered in teaching reading strategies.Difficulties in teaching reading strategies can be traced to two sources, namely from the teachers’ end in impacting the knowledge in a manner that is easily understandable to the student and also from the student’s end in grasping th e knowledge being impacted. Clay (1985) has outlined ways and means by which reading difficulties of such students or pupils can be detected early and helped. She counselled that through systematic observation of reading behaviours and reading recovery procedures, such children could be helped with their reading problems. Hatcher, Hulme and Ellis (1994) reported of a study involving children experiencing difficulties in the early stages. They divided these seven year old poor readers into four groups and assigned them to one of three experimental teaching conditions such as (a) Reading with phonology (b) Reading alone (c) Phonology alone and (d) A control. They found that although the phonology alone group showed most improvement on phonological tasks, the reading with phonology group made most progress in reading. They concluded from the findings that interventions to boost phonological skills should be integrated with the teaching of reading if they are to be maximally effective i n improving literacy skills.

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