Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Literature Review Essays

Literature Review Essays Literature Review Essay Literature Review Essay This review covers reading as a subject generally and also in L 2 environment. It further considers the various models of reading propounded by researchers and authors.   It also takes a look at differences between a reading strategy and a reading skill. It then outlines and classifies the various learning strategies in use. Specifically, it reviews strategies for reading, pre-reading, while reading and post-reading. It also delves into the strategies good readers use to get by. It further reviews available literature on strategic reading and teaching of reading strategies. The last segment of the review is devoted to difficulties encountered in teaching reading strategies.1.0 Reading:Reading as a subject has been defined in several ways by different people and organizations. WorldNet (2007) has defined reading in seven distinct ways. Two of the definitions relevant to our subject matter are given below:-a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reading is the â€Å" cogn itive process of understanding a written linguistic message†b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reading is a â€Å" mental representation of the meaning or significance of something†According to the Encyclopaedia, an adult reader can read and understand between 200 -1000 words per minute. Catherine Walter (2003), on the other hand, has given 300 words per minute as the optimal rate for processing prose. She added that for fluent adult readers, this rate is constant, regardless of whether the text was difficult or not.   Generally for young readers, the ability of one to read often depends on the rate of fixation of one’s eye on the words being read and also the difficulty of the material being. Reading is a core subject given greater emphasis in most schools throughout the world.2.0     Models of Reading:Two kinds (models) of processing are distinguishable in reading. These are the bottom-up processes and the Top-down processes. The former involves those that take in st imuli from the outside world in the form of letters and words for reading. Adherents of this theory (bottom up processing) focus on how readers extract information from the printed page. Whereas the latter, the uptake of information is guided by an individual’s prior knowledge and expectations. Proponents of this theory posits that readers form hypothesis about which words they would encounter and take in only enough visual information to test their hypothesis.   Acceptance or rejection of a given text is based primarily on what their formed hypothesis is all about. If the formed hypothesis is consistent with what has been read the material is readily accepted. On the other hand, if the read material is not in congruent, the material may be rejected. In practice, she added that, both processes (bottom-up and top-down) are tapped into to facilitate accurate and rapid processing of information.3.0     Reading in second language (L2):Studies undertaken by Schoonen, Hulstij n and Bosser (1998) on Dutch learners of the English language revealed that as proficiency grew, meta-cognitive knowledge contributed to a greater extent to reading comprehension skill acquisition. They further added that knowledge of textual characteristics and reading strategies played greater role in supporting the comprehension gained from reading. Sheory Mokhtari (2001) called their tool the â€Å"Survey of Reading Strategies† (SORS). In one of their studies, they assessed the differences in reading strategies between native speakers (US) and non-native speakers of English. The study revealed that ESL students reported a higher usage of strategies to get by than their US counterparts. Also, the ESL students reported using a greater number of supportive reading strategies. As an entire group, however, the study showed no significant gender differences. On the other hand, the female ESL students admitted using the strategy of underlining information in the text more their male colleagues (ESL students). Interestingly, students who gave themselves higher scores for reading ability also reported using a higher frequency of reading strategies than those readers who gave themselves a lower rating.Catherine Walter (2003) has pointed out that less skilled L2 readers do not necessarily have fewer strategies than skilled readers, but that they are less able to choose the most appropriate strategy for the problem at hand. On the basis of this knowledge, this author counselled teachers to help learners become aware of the strategies they use sometimes unknowingly when reading as well as other strategies available to them and how these strategies can be used selectively. From this account, we can learn that the problem with L2 readers are not so much about the lack of knowledge of reading strategies   but more importantly the ability to apply the most appropriate reading strategy for a given problem.   According to Catherine Walter (2003) several studies in volving L2 students have confirmed that those of them who engaged in extensive reading over a period of time showed significantly more improvement in L2 writing skills than the control groups, who did not practice extensive reading of any kind. She attributed this effect to the unconscious acquisition of the rhetorical conventions of L2 written genres.4.0     Reading Strategy   versus   Skill:Reading strategy is the plan the reader adopts to accomplish a given reading goal. Reading skills, on the other hand, is the reading ability acquired that enables the reader achieves a given reading goal. There are four strategies of reading a material effectively. First, they change their reading speed depending on the difficulty of the material. Secondly, they show a greater tendency to re-read the material, especially when the reading material is considered â€Å"hard†. Thirdly, good readers set for themselves a definite purpose for reading a given material. Fourthly, they ask themselves questions as they read the material. These strategies enable them to look for definite answers from the given text. Furthermore, it also increases their concentration and ability to draw meaning from the material read. They endeavour to visualize what the author is seeking to convey to them from the reading material.What separates good or successful readers from the poor ones often lies in the ability of the former to solve problems that relate to (a) difficult words (b) distractions (c) disagreements with the author (d) nervousness (e) lack of prior knowledge of the subject matter being read and (f) lack of definite purpose.With regards to difficult words, good readers try to re-read the previous sentence before them or try to substitute them to gain comprehension. Another means they employ to overcome difficult vocabulary is to write it down and find its meaning, as writing itself is a good way for recalling information read.The internet has become part and parcel of t he daily lives of many persons including L2 readers. Recognizing the increasing importance this information and communication medium plays in the lives of L2 readers, Anderson (2003) carried out a study to find out (a) The online reading strategies employed by second language readers. (b) Whether online reading strategies of English as a second language readers (ESL) differ from English as a foreign language reader (EFL). He found the under listed as the top twelve reading strategies most widely used. Of these strategies, eight (67 percent) were problem-solving ones, whilst the other four (33 percent) were global reading strategies.(a)   I try to get back on track when I lose concentration (problem-solving strategy).(b) When on-line text becomes difficult, I pay closer attention to what I am reading (problem-solving strategy).(c) I read slowly and carefully to make sure I understand what I am reading online (problem-solving strategy)(d) When I read online, I guess the meaning of u nknown words or phrases (problem-solving strategy)(e) I try to guess what the content of the online text is about when I read (Global strategy(f) I think about what I know to help me understand what I read online (Global strategy(g) I can distinguish between fact and opinion in online texts (Problem-solving strategy(h) I try to picture or visualize information to help me remember what I read online (Problem-solving strategy)(I) When reading online, I decide what to read closely and what to ignore (Global strategy)(j) I adjust my reading online (Problem-solving strategy)(k) I scan the online text to get a basic idea of whether it will serve my purposes before choosing to read it (Global strategy).This research worker also found that the only significant difference between EFL and ESL readers were in the use of problem-solving strategies. The former group reported a higher use of problem-solving strategies than their counterparts. The predominant reason assigned to these findings was that the differences between ERL and ESL learning environments were diminishing with the advent of the internet, the increased use of Radio, television and other information and communication technologies.5.0 Classification of learning strategies:Cohen (1996) has drawn attention to the fact that the differences in criteria of classification often cause inconsistencies and mismatches across existing taxonomies and other categorizations. According to Cohen (1996) some strategies are behavioural and can be directly observed, whereas others are mental and behavioural but which are not observable. There are other learning strategies that are purely mental. He also added that another approach by which learning strategies can be classified is to label them as belonging to ‘successful’ or ‘unsuccessful’ learners. Strategies are also distinguishable from one another according to whether they are cognitive, meta-cognitive, affective or social.6.0 Strategic Reading:St rategic reading simply means purposeful reading. This is the reading in which the reader adjusts his reading to a specific purpose he has in mind. He uses a variety of strategies and skills to pawn out meaning from what he is being read. According to Eduplace (2007) a strategy is a plan selected deliberately by the reader to accomplish a specific goal or complete a given task. When narrowed to the subject of reading, it means having a deliberate plan to accomplish a specific reading goal. When a reader or student is capable in selecting the use of strategy unconsciously, he achieves expertise in using that strategy (Eduplace, 2007). Apart from strategies, Eduplace (2007) affirms that expert readers use a number of comprehension and study skills to grasp meaning from the material being read. Research has shown that readers develop reading skills and strategies 7.0 Teaching reading Strategy:Reading strategies can be taught and learnt. When reading strategies are well grasped by the st udent or reader, they are able to draw meaning from what they read quickly. Reading in this wise become profitable. What sets good readers apart from poor ones are the strategies they adopt before, during and after reading. Whereas poor readers start reading without giving forethought to the reading process and topic, good readers make a deliberate effort to build their own prior knowledge about the topic. Zimmermann and Hutchins (2003) have identified seven strategies used by good readers to unlock meaning from a given text. These are: (a) They create mental images and also become emotionally involved with what they read (b) They use their relevant prior knowledge before, during and after reading to enhance their understanding of what they have read (c) They ask relevant questions to clarify meaning and also pay particular attention to what is important (d)They identify key ideas or themes as they read (f) They also synthesis information (g) They use fix-up strategies such as re-re ading, skipping ahead, asking questions, using a dictionary. These authors further pointed out that good readers use the same strategies whether they reading ‘soft’ material such as a magazine or a ‘hard’ text such as textbook. The goal of all reading instruction therefore is to help the student overcome reading difficulties and ultimately become expert readers. By becoming expert readers, it enables the student achieve independence and use the literacy for life-long learning. Taberski (2000) has described the strategies for teaching reading in primary schools. He presented a material organized around a series of interconnected interactions with the learner as assessment, demonstration, practice and response. He outlined the role of the teacher in this approach, how to set up the classroom environment, how to assess reading and also showed how effective strategies and skills could be demonstrated.8.0   Difficulties in   teaching reading strategies:Many researchers and authors have acknowledged the difficulties in teaching reading strategies (Anderson, 1999; Beers, 2003). Bereiter and Bird (1985) reported that analysis of protocols from adults thinking aloud while reading identified four potentially teachable strategies. This study involved eighty students in grades seven and eight. They found that neither strategy modelling and practice alone, nor question and answer comprehension activities were effective. They confirmed that even in the successful group, instruction was effective with only three of the strategies. Recounting her own trials and tribulations when helping seventh grade students to learn to read, Beers (2003) considered the difficulties involved in teaching reading strategies to students or pupils. She pointed out that even with high-quality reading instruction in the early grades, it is necessary for middle and high school teachers to help students refine, practice and in some cases, develop the skills of readers.A ccording to Anderson (1999) developing a personal philosophy of teaching can be difficult to many a teacher, if not totally elusive. He offered help with a philosophy built around the word ACTIVE, which serves as the organizing mnemonic. ACTIVE consists of the first letters of six of the eight elements of this approach as: A – Activate prior knowledge C – Cultivate vocabulary T – Teach for comprehension I – Increase reading rate V – Verify reading strategies E – Evaluate progress.The last two elements are: Consider the role of motivation and select the appropriate materials. Clearly, teachers that adopt this procedure can overcome some of the difficulties encountered in teaching reading strategies.Difficulties in teaching reading strategies can be traced to two sources, namely from the teachers’ end in impacting the knowledge in a manner that is easily understandable to the student and also from the student’s end in grasping th e knowledge being impacted. Clay (1985) has outlined ways and means by which reading difficulties of such students or pupils can be detected early and helped. She counselled that through systematic observation of reading behaviours and reading recovery procedures, such children could be helped with their reading problems. Hatcher, Hulme and Ellis (1994) reported of a study involving children experiencing difficulties in the early stages. They divided these seven year old poor readers into four groups and assigned them to one of three experimental teaching conditions such as (a) Reading with phonology (b) Reading alone (c) Phonology alone and (d) A control. They found that although the phonology alone group showed most improvement on phonological tasks, the reading with phonology group made most progress in reading. They concluded from the findings that interventions to boost phonological skills should be integrated with the teaching of reading if they are to be maximally effective i n improving literacy skills.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Remembering Life - Creating Wholeness from Loss

Remembering Life - Creating Wholeness from Loss It’s Memorial Day and I am remembering. Remembering those who have passed in various ways throughout the years. Those who have touched me personally. Remembering, etymologically, is a putting back together of parts. When someone is torn from us, we naturally perform this reconstruction through our thoughts. The most recent lost in my life was my friend Nikk, who died unexpectedly two weeks ago. He was 33. His family has chosen not to request an autopsy, so we don’t know how he died, whether it was an aneurysm or a tumor or a heart attack. I have a compulsion to understand, to know the reason. His family, understandably, believes that the final result is the same so why put their son’s body through invasive procedures? What’s important is not how it happened but how we choose to remember. And so we remember. The music, the love, the funny things he said and did. The contribution he made. In Memory of Nikk C. These are the sorts of things we are called upon to piece together about all our loved ones who have passed on. I remember these things about my father who died of pneumonia at age 57; my college roommate who was killed in a car accident in the prime of her life; and my grandmother who lived to a ripe old age. What of my high school classmate who was hit by a bus? Or the professor who was going to be my thesis advisor until he was in an accident on his way home one night? We experience painful loss, and in the same transaction we are gifted with memories that repair the rift. What will we choose to remember? And what can we learn from those memories about how best to live our lives? I asked some of Nikk’s friends what message they thought he would want to send to the world. Some words and phrases that came up were were joy, spontaneity, embracing who you are, connecting closely with others, believing in others even when they don’t believe in themselves, and being a force for positivity, inspiration and love. Recently he had completed a huge web development project for the Rainbird Foundation, whose mission is to end child abuse. He definitely made his mark. The pieces come together. I had a brush with possible death when I was in a car accident four weeks ago, and I have been called to consider what people will remember about me. I want to be thought of for the creativity I have put into the world, for the ways I have expanded and progressed other people’s lives, for my spirit and my contributions. I hope that many people’s lives have been made better because I have touched them. Celebrating Life The phrase â€Å"Memorial Service† has rather somber connotations, and so Nikk’s family gathered people together for a â€Å"Celebration of Life.† Whatever the title, what we all did there was scroll through our memories. We experienced joy, we connected with each other, and we appreciated all that Nikk had created. We say â€Å"Rest in Peace,† and we want the souls of our loved ones to be at peace if that is our belief. I believe that with that phrase we are seeking peace and wholeness in ourselves as we adjust to life without the person who passed. I also believe it’s the remembering, and the inspiration that springs from it, that will get us there. Category:Life and LeadershipBy Brenda BernsteinMay 28, 2013 1 Comment Andrea says: May 28, 2013 at 2:54 pm Hi Brenda Im sorry for your loss. Nikk must have been touched by the joy in your life, too. He sounds like he was such a special guy. Log in to Reply

Thursday, November 21, 2019

I will download directions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

I will download directions - Essay Example These are the ideals of Integrity thoroughly highlighted by Stephen L. Carter in his The Rules About The Rules. According to Carter, a person’s individual life does not bear the importance howsoever healthy, peaceful and happy it is. ‘Integrity’ demands to influence the lives of others by bringing them under the attributes of ‘right’. This is the principle which guides the United States of America in its hazardous efforts to bring tranquility and peace in the world. It means what it has been following since its very birth are the lights of ‘Integrity’. Thomas Jefferson, in his â€Å"Declaration of Independence† has worded that all men are created equal (p 13). I disagree because the equality as stated by Jefferson does not extend to all men. Some are superiors in terms of qualities, the others inferior. But this is not what Jefferson wants to communicate; he has his own philosophy of the statement having a certain background. What he wants to convey is that all men are created equal in terms of the rights of freedom, joy and aspiration for happiness. He complains against the ruthless approach of the British Government towards the inhabitants of the American Colony. He demands for the due rights all the humans deserve in common. Jefferson here satisfies the first condition of Carter’s explanation of the word â€Å"Integrity† (p 6). ... Surely he has done it with the resources available to him at that time. It means Jefferson is a man of Integrity by the definition of Carter. Jefferson satisfies me because he has grasped something wrong, figured it out loudly before the community and also fought for its stoppage. Jefferson is therefore a man of integrity to me as well. Apart from Thomas Jefferson, the United States of America feels proud of having the services of two other great names in its history; Thomas Jefferson known for his Declaration Of Independence and Martin Luther King for his Letter From Birmingham Jail. Both the documents bear extreme importance in the history of United States of America and England. Both voice the injustices of the Britain government. Both are similar in nature complaining against the cruel policies of the British government towards the minorities. Both claim that they deserve the right to raise voice against the brutalities of the government. Here, there is a call for justice. For in stance Jefferson cries out against the King of Britain to have obstructed the administration of justice by denying the Judiciary its powers (p 14) whereas Martin Luther King weeps over the fact that the orders of the Judiciary are not being obeyed in England as in the decision of Supreme Court in 1954 (p 167). If Jefferson terms the King guilty of ordering the officers for the harassment of their men (p 14), Martin Luther views the attitude of the Police towards the Negroes as brutal (p 172). The Declaration Of Independence tells that the people of America were deprived of their basic civil and social rights like carrying out trade with other nations of the world. Besides, the King looted their wealth over sea, coasts and towns and imposed unjust taxes on them (Jefferson, p 14). Letter

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Different Types of Technology used in Criminal Justice Essay

Different Types of Technology used in Criminal Justice - Essay Example Drug testing technology has become a common factor in the American criminal society. Drug testing’s application is far-reaching in many fields such as police forces, airline pilots, federal employees and even participants in school sports. Also, prospective executives of the National Institute of Justice have to go through drug tests as regulations of employment. In the field of criminal justice, the moderately inexpensive and considerably powerful drug test to determine drug use has opened a broad range of issues that reach into unfamiliar territories of policy, law and practice. Criminal fighting agencies use this technology to fight drug abuse in America mostly the police force and anti drug agencies. Another influential technology is the DNA technology. DNA allows criminal fighting agencies to match a genetic sample to a person at a mathematical level that has total assurance. DNA tests are frequently used in roughly all jurisdictions across the country. DNA testing is use d in connecting a suspect to a crime (Lazer, 2004). A key agency that uses this technology in the U.S. is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Concealed weapons detection technology is a technology that permits criminal fighting agencies to locate hidden weapons. Police officers, court security officers plus other enforcement officials can now predict whether or not a person is carrying a firearm (Gibbons, 1988). This helps to maintain law and order in the society since people carrying firearms could easily be tracked (Gibbons, 1988). Information technology helps criminal fighting agencies to locate information regarding crime or a location that is prone to criminal activities. Police officers can verify the history of a suspect through fingerprints, fill in paperwork in the squad car through using a hand-sized laptop, and go back to patrol. This technology is mostly used by the police force such as probation officers to track the activities of probationers

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The novel as a whole Essay Example for Free

The novel as a whole Essay This underlines where the stress in the sentence is and thus its emotions. This is used to great effect with a more dramatic description in It was wretched weather; stormy and wet, stormy and wet; mud, mud, mud deep in all the streets. It is hard not to associate this dramatic use of language with his consciousness and intensified state of emotion thus allowing us to see how Pip feels by using indirect methods. Plus we see that it is a way the older Pip can convey the forbidding nature of the event unfolding. The clichi of stormy weather is an obvious precursor of events to come, but it works well setting the reader for a theatrical recountment of events. Another typical feature of Dickens is to personify an object. For example the smoke came rolling down the chimney as though it could not bear to go out into such a night. Hence the gloomy use of the elemental weather is made even more imposing, and in this case makes the atmosphere seems primitive excellent weather for the return of the Magwitch who Pip first met on the untamed marshes. The use of weather with reference to the sea is made good use of in: gloomy accounts had come in from the coast, of shipwreck and death, and the wind being like the discharges of cannon, or breakings of the sea. With hindsight these are clear references to Magwitch his time on the sea in the hulks and the cannon remind us of that used in chapter two on the marshes to alert people to convicts. Also, the stormy rain is an omen of Magwitchs water-death struggle in the Thames. But as a first time reader these references only make subconscious links, so that their significance slowly dawns on the reader. The description of the weather is so terrifyingly dramatic that it is chilling and almost supernatural; one could say that when Pip first saw Magwitch it was so traumatic that he tried to bury the experience. The pressure of the hidden memories of Magwitch deep in his subconscious have built up so much that he has managed to bring about Magwitchs return. Of course the fact that Pips benefactor is revealed to be Magwitch is clear that Pips great expectations are at an end as he can not keep the money and he isnt intended to marry Estella. This emotional upheaval in Pips life is magnificently portrayed in the narrative description of the weather leading up to Magwitchs return. Dickens personal style is clearly evident in the passage describing the stranger on the stair: that he had long iron-grey hair. That his age was about sixty. That he was a muscular man, strong on his legs, and that he was browned and hardened Dickens has repeated that so as to create a list, that focuses more on the detail, yet at the same time creates purpose and a gradual realisation of who the man is. Even though this use of language is not correct grammatically it conveys the point that Pip knows who it is but only just below his level of consciousness. The first person narrative makes a competition between the reader and Young Pip to recognise who the stranger is first, from the subtle and elusive hints of the identity of the stranger scattered throughout the passage. The footstep on the stair reminds Pip of his dead sister who like Magwitch is a ghost from the past. Incidentally, this connection between his sister also reminds the reader and probably young Pip of the guilt he felt over his sisters beating, and hence the guilt over his stealing to help Magwitch. Pip heard the footstep stumble in coming on which one would have done if it was a criminal wearing leg irons, that which haunted Pip the chapter FIND OUT e. g. (QUOTE). Towards the point where we finally find out who the newcomer is, the hints become more obvious with his clothes resembling a voyager by sea and his hair being iron grey like this leg-irons. Only moments before it begins to sink in who the stranger we are told of Pips lamp: it was a shaded lamp, to shine upon a book, and its circle of light was very contracted; so that he was in it for a mere instant, and then out of it. The light is contracted like Pips view on life with his misconception of Miss Havisham as the source of his becoming a gentleman, yet he is slowly grasping the truth (brought by Magwitch) from subtle hints, in the same way the light only illuminates Magwitch for mere incidences. Various references to the absence of light are also made throughout the passage; staircase lamps were blown out, lamps in the court were blown out, heavy veil had been driving over London and a voice from the darkness. This is predominantly an effect to make the passage more typically mysterious and gloomy. Less obvious is the connection to Estella. Pip often associated her with fire and light (her name meaning star) and she was frequently responsible for lighting Pips way in Satis house (ANY EG), but she is now a lost cause to Pip as it is Magwitch who is responsible for his fortune. Dickens almost personifies the weather when he writes a vast heavy veil had been driving over London. This implies that the weather knows the outcome of the building anticipation and that it is mirroring the news to be revealed, which will cause Pip to feel as though a vast heavy veil has been drawn across his life. Again we are given a glimpse of something to come but only so much as to push our curiosity more. A further connection to Estella can be made -Magwitch is a dysfunctional father figure to Pip (he refers to Pip as my boy and himself as Pips second father). This creates an ironic parallel with Estella and Miss Havisham, as both children reject their parent at some point, and we learn later that that Estella is in fact the daughter of a criminal. Thus ironically Pip and Estellas status are almost inverted, and it is through this reversal that Pip realises the values of a true gentleman and in time learns to love Magwitch and place himself in hazardous situations for him. Near the end of the passage the first gesture that Magwitch makes is accounted by Pip as Magwitch holding out both his hands to me. This action seems obscure, even if we have realised who the stranger is. It also creates an air of mystery and suspicion even at this late stage. Also we read that Pip sees the stranger looking up with an incomprehensible air of being touched and pleased by the sight of me which contrasts dramatically with the earlier strained and violent nature of the elements. The fact that Magwitch is responsible for Pips rise in social status to a gentleman is terribly ironic. Pip is at the height of his immoral conduct due to his uninformed view of what makes a gentleman (appearance, money and mixing with like people i. e. shunning lower class people such as Joe). In comparison with Magwitchs humble Master references to him, Pip has inadvertently played up to the image of a gentleman that Magwitch has shunned and tried to get revenge at i. e. Compeyson. The passage is the beginning of Chapter 39 and it is only from this chapter onwards that Pip stops misreading events (for example he finds out who is his benefactor), therefore this chapter is primary in terms of plot development. Yet, Dickens pays close attention to detail with frequent hints to the theme throughout the passage in subtle references (looked at previously) that sustain the drama and dark, tense atmosphere, all of which contribute to the sense of expectation. By: Chee Date: April 2001 For: Mrs Hill Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Great Expectations section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay on Whartons Ethan Frome: Ethan Frome as Fairy Tale

Ethan Frome as Fairy Tale    Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome is vividly real to its readers, its issues continually relevant to society, but through its structure and moral lessons, it is intended to be read as a 'fairy tale'. Elizabeth Ammons discusses this 'fairy tale' in her article "Ethan Frome as a Fairy Tale," explaining that the novel is a "vision" of the narrator's. As evidenced by the introductory chapter, the narrator truly has few clues as to the real story of Ethan Frome, and these clues often are diverse, and what we are about to read is nothing more than a figment of the narrator's imagination based on certain facts he has learned. Ammons comments, "while Ethan's story will appear real and we can believe that the tragedy did happen, the version here is a fabrication . . . one of many possible narratives" (146). The story is fiction, not fact, and is mainly intended to entertain and instruct more than inform. Fairy tales themselves are by their very nature documents concerned with morality, never actual events. The psychological impact of Ethan Frome is far more lasting than the plot itself, for the plot is fictional but the issues are real. The characters of Ethan Frome also fit the mold for fairy tales. ... ...their stomachs when they saw Ethan's feelings for Zeena, how they cheered their love on despite knowing that Ethan was already married, and how they cried to see Mattie, once vivacious, now paralyzed. Ethan Frome is a powerful fairy tale because we learn that in stories, as in real life, success isn't always guaranteed. Works Cited and Consulted Ammons, Elizabeth "Ethan Frome as a Fairy Tale" Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1995. Bell, Millicent. The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. New York: Penguin Group, 1993.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

He Nine Steps O the Accounting Cycle

The nine steps of the accounting cycle are You must collect and analyze all transactions. It will determine the effect of their financial position in the business. The equations must balance once the transactions are recorded. Journalize the transactions in the general ledger, which should be organized by the specific account. This should happen at least once a month. The next step is to post to the ledger accounts, this should be step 3 in the accounting process.Prepare a Trial Balance to make sure the process of totaling debits and credits to make sure the sum of debits equals the sum of credits, check to make sure both columns balance out. Journalize and Post Adjusting Entries Use entries that are adjusted: deferrals and accruals. And adjust entries that are made from the company's worksheet, an accounting tool prepared at the end of each period. Make preparation to the Adjusted Trial Balance, This is a sheet used to verify the balance of debits and credits after the adjusting ent ries are made in the accounting cycle.Prepare Financial Statements. Once all adjustments are done, the final trial balance will be used to prepare income statement and balance sheet. Post the Closing Entries and Journalize, and at the end of a fiscal period you must close the temporary accounts. Prepare a post-closing trial balance to make sure that all revenue and expense accounts are already closed, and check the debit and credit balances of all the balance sheet accounts. www. accountingverse. com/accounting-basics/accounting†¦

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunwind Ab Case

2) Draw the schematic flow diagram for Sunwind and all Volvo plants. (Draw at abstract level not detailed level). Provides detail of distances and demand (quantity based on 1987 forecast) flow. Ans) Demand of Sunwind is 1250/week = 1250*45 = 56250 units The following table gives us the demand of each plant yearly for the year 1985 Plant|   | Torslando | Kalmar| Ghent| Total| Year| 1985| 17050| 4525| 12090| 33665| | %| 50. 65%| 13. 44%| 35. 1%| 100%| Year| 1987| 32919. 947| 8736. 819| 23343. 23| 65000| Depending on the percentage of share of each plant of the total in 1985, the same percentage is used to calculate the demand of each plant in 1987, as we know the total production of Volvo from all the plants put together in 1987. 3) What are the challenges facing Sunwind? Do they need a change in strategy by Sunwind? Why? Ans The challenges faced by SUNWIND are as follows : The main problem is to meet the increase in the demand from Volvo which is around 650 per week in 1985 to 1200 per week in 1986 * There is also a problem of meeting the quality of the finished products supplied by them, some of the machines like gluing machine had proved particularly troublesome and has increased rejects. * Some other bothering issues would be the off-spec plywood blanks received from Finnish supplier. * The rejection of the batches by Volvo as they haven’t met the quality constraints imposed by them. The demand for the finished goods is around 1400 units/week while the ideal capacity of plant excluding wastages is only 1250 units/week; this mismatch is of a greatest concern for the Sunwind in the present scenario. * The trend of the major manufacturers like Toyota who are working on â€Å"Less† suppliers’ model to increase the efficiency is of a big threat as Volvo might even persuade it. * The system of JIT which is being implemented recently by the Volvo group, the Belgian manufacturer is turning out to be major competitor to Sunwood on this perspecti ve. The batch size if we see for different operations varies from 2500 to 500, such a huge amount of batch size might lead to having no control over the quality issues i. e. in case of any damage done its hard to find out and the who batch has to be set off which is of a huge loss for the plant. * This large batch size might also increases the MLT hence leads to a lot of inventory which has a lot of adverse effects. For the other part of the question whether they need to change the strategy of the Sunwind or not, yes they have to change indeed to so as to protect themselves from Volvo by meeting their demand needs.At the same time the technological aspects of Sunwind are at a ground level, they need to compete with the competitors and have to go for new machinery. Right now they are not following the JIT method while Volvo has gone for it, In that case to meet the Volvo demands it might have to put a huge pile of raw materials instead if it makes itself a JIT system it could save it self from one of the competitors. Their batch size as mentioned before is also very large, hence they need to change this strategy too. There is a quality issue also being faced hence they a need a new strategy which can address all these issues in a very efficient way. ) What are the benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind? How Volvo will get benefited if Sunwind goes for JIT production and delivery? Ans) The benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind are 1. The main advantage would be saving on inventory i. e. there is no need to spend a lot of money in storing the inventory for huge number of days until it is used instead JIT takes care of inventory only when needed hence there is no idle inventory. 2. The JIT system will take care of the batch size this will help increasing the frequency and also easy transportation and on time as the batch size is small 3.In case of any defects the wastage would be in a small scale 4. The quality issue can be addressed, if we have the batch size to be small there is an every chance to make strict quality checks and reject the rest. 5. This helps in cutting the waste by cutting the excess capacity or inventory and removing the non value-added activities. 6. This will develop a close relationship with their suppliers, in a way they will get suppliers as a partner in the venture. 7. This will also encourage the suppliers to get themselves placed in and around the Sunwood plant so as to deliver the raw materials on time. 8.This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Sunwind on behalf of the suppliers whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. 9. He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. 10. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together.The advantages of the Volvo if Sunwind go for JIT is same as the ones enjoyed by Sunwind on behalf of their supplies * This will develop a close relationship with Sunwind. * This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Volvo on behalf of the Sunwind whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. * He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together. 6) How many varieties of products does the Sunwind manufacture for Volvo? How does this information help to design pro duction and delivery? Ans) Sunwind was the only supplier for the floorlid for the 5-door 700 series station wagon. These were offered in several carpet/ colour combinations. The lid comprised of 4 separate items – front panel, rear panel, left panel and the right panel.The carpeting could be any of four different colour choices – beige, blue, black and burgundy. The carpeting could be either needle felt or tufted. Thus 32 part numbers were needed to specify a particular part/ colour/ carpet combination 4 parts x 4 colours x 2 carpets = 32 This data of the variety of products being manufacture will give us an advantage of designing the production through JIT. One of the process considerations in lean systems â€Å"Uniform workstation loads â€Å" comes into the picture. This in turn would decrease the big lots there by decreasing the average inventory level.We can follow the production model of â€Å"heijunka† which is the levelling of production load by both v olume and product mix. Using this what we can do is to form batches in a way so that each batch gives us 32 varieties of different materials instead of having the same variety in a batch. This would help workers to get acquaintance of all the products and also though there is any wastage in a batch the other batch can cover up for it, if a batch has all the products of same kind it would be a problem if there is any defect or quality issues.Thus this data of the variety of products gives us the division of batches in an efficient way which reduces the extra non value added costs. 8) Provides details of some critical characteristics of one of the Volvo operations (Customer interface point) between Volvo and Sunwind. How does may this information be helpful to get advance intimation to prepare the next JIT delivery? Ans) Sunwind’s interface with Volvo parts at the order placement. Every 4 weeks Volvo send an order form indication the requirement over a 60 week planning horizon. This was broken into seven 4 week periods and one 32 week period. The next interface was at the loading stage of the shipping process. Volvo mandated that it suppliers use Volvo’s wholly owned transport company, use standard containers and ship one part per container. Sunwind ordered transportation and empty containers as required. Post shipping, the next interface would be at the inspection upon receipt of parts by Volvo. If the randomly chosen container did not pass the stringent quality control criteria, the entire shipment would be rejected and the supplier would be called.Sunwind could then either replace the entire shipment ot come to Torslanda to check the rejected shipments and replace the defective parts. Rejected parts were either scrapped or sent back to the supplier at the supplier’s expense. The fault would be officially notified and the next shipment would be subjected to 100% inspection. The interface points are at various stages in the part procurement process. Continuous communication between supplier and vendor enables updation of records on both ends and real time flow of information.The 4 week periodical order placement can help Sunwind plan its production such that they complete production just in time for shipment and the shipment occurs just in time for assembly at Volvo. Shipping is done through Volvo’s own transport system. Knowledge of the production schedules of Volvo in advance will enable Sunwind to request transport and containers in advance so that they arrive just in time for loading. This makes for efficient operations as the production can then be planned to meet the shipment schedule.Inspection procedure is well defined and knowledge of this can help Sunwind optimize its production to avoidrejection upon shipment. Rejection of shipments can be costly and they run the risk of not being able to meet the just in time production schedule. 9) How KANBAN, facilitator of JIT inventory Design be used for Sunwind operations? Show few sample calculations. Ans) In order to avoid the stock outs or overproduction Kanban can be used as a facilitator of JIT system. According to Kanban system, there is a card which contains the requirement or the supply of units written on it.Once if the card reaches the supplier depending on the requirements the desired date the supplier manufactures or prepare the goods and then they will be put in the same box with the card in place. The same process is done when the units reach the ordered company it will crosscheck the number of units in the box with the required in the card, once it matches it will then proceed to the operations. The best use of this comes when the manufacturing process has lots of operations involved in it with different batch sizes and cycle time and lead time.For example if we take Sunwind it has 8 operations with different batch sizes hence by using this it can send the Kanban cards at will according to the lead time to the respective sup pliers and they can receive the desired goods right on time and can verify it also accordingly. The basic formulae to calculate the number of Kanban cards is Kanban quantity = Daily Demand x Lead time (in days) x Safety factor Container quantity Here the daily demand can be calculated as we know that the demand per week is 1250 and there are 5 working days per week thus the daily demand is 250 unitsThe lead time here as it is not mentioned clearly anywhere in the case we have taken the sentence† the production is planned two weeks before†. Using that we can get the lead time as 2 weeks i. e. 14 days (including working and non-working days) Safety factor: we are taking a standard 10%(assumption) hence the whole quantity is multiplied by 1. 1 Container quantity is given in the case as 20 units Hence Kanban quantity = 250*14*1. 1 = 192. 5 20 Thus using this estimate this will give us a forecast of how many Kanban cards are in place for the JIT beforehand and would make the process efficient enough. 1) Repeat Q10 for Volvo’s Kalmar and Ghent plants. Write only short discussion and detailed calculation and diagram is not expected as in Q10. Ans) The distance plays a major role when it comes to Kalmar and Ghent plants as for us to make a JIT delivery of 4 times a day, the transportation including all logistics plays the deciding factor. Similarly if we look into this case the distances are shown below Save to Kalmar —– 179. 82 Miles or 289. 39 KM (Source : http://www. mapcrow. info) Save to Ghent —– 1284 KM (source : Google Maps)For both the plants if we see there is no feasibility to do the JIT supply 4 times a day as the distance is so large that the transportation becomes a problem and even though if pains are taken and the things are meeting the deadline, the efficiency decreases as this will in no way an add on for the current existing process in terms of the ROI ( Return on Investment ). Q 5 ) Draw the process flo w diagram of Sunwind operations. Perform capacity analysis Sunwind’s operations. Is the capacity at plant sufficient to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) of all VOLVO plants?How would you interpret the capacity calculations? (Consider a batch size and process time information in Exhibit 8). What is the Manufacturing Lead time? Do you think it is right or a long MLT in line with JIT requirement? If it is short or long, what is cause of such short/Long MLT? Ans. Operation 2- Painting Cycle time: 1. 15 min Operation 3&4-batterns, riveting inserting studs Cycle time: 6. 85 min mins Operation 1-Shaping plywood panel Cycle time-2. 8 min Raw material (plywood) Operation 7- Attaching metal and carpet fixturesCycle Time: 2. 2 min Operation 6-Gluing Carpet Cycle Time: 4. 25 min Operation 5-Mounting hinges Cycle Time: 0. 95 min Operation 8-Assembly of left and right units Operation 3 is the bottleneck with maximum cycle time of 6. 85 mins. So it becomes the cycle time for the entire process. The working time for a personnel/week = 40. 7 hours. So, effective working hours/day= 8. 14 hours. Therefore, total no. of units produced/ day=8. 14*60/6. 85= 71 units. ( considering 100 % capacity utilisation) So at 100 % utilization,output/week= 71*5= 355 units/ weekMonthly production= 1420 units. Starting from January 1985 Volvo’s maximum demand per month till July was 1115 units. So Sunwind was able to meet the demand . In August 1985 when demand of Volvo’s three plants surmounted to 4000 units / month Sunwind was unable to supply the required quantity. In 1986 when the forecasted demand of Volve stands 1387 units/ week present capacity of Sunwind ( 355 units/ week) is not sufficient to meet the demand . Direct labor content ( parts fabrication + operations 1-9 ) =18. 8+25. 2+5. 15= 49. 15 mins/ shirt (excluding set up time)If we consider batch sizes of 500 (operation 6 has the minimum batch size of 500) the changed cycle time for each operation are as follows: Operation 4 with zero set up time still remains the bottle neck time and hence the cycle time. So the batch size does not influence the process cycle time. To meet the average forecasted demand of 1400 units/week in 1986 the cycle time of the entire process should be 1. 4 min assuming the plant operates at 80 % efficiency level. Since different operations have different WIPs( according to batches as shown below):Manufacturing lead time is given by MLT= WIP * Cycle time At current plant capacity, considering lids are produced in batches of 500 MLT= (2500+1500+1000+1500+500+500)* 6. 85 = 51375 mins =856. 25 hrs= 21 weeks (considering working hours of 40. 7 /week as bottleneck operation is run in 1 shift only) The lead time is very high and the primary cause for this is large lot size used for production. A high MLT cannot go hand in hand with JIT production. The JIT philosophy is timely delivery of customer order . To meet the delivery deadline for a JIT e need to start t he production as soon as the order is booked. For this we need to maintain a minimum Manufacturing Lead Time as products are produced in batches. Q 7) Should Lars Olav were to design a JIT programme at Sunwind, what should be its elements? Give details about the current status and future requirement of few essential ingredients of JIT/Lean elements requiring improvement/change in Sunwind. Please suggest/show your improved/changed version of the Sunwind operations process to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) to all Volvo plants.Hint: You may like to meet the new demand (1987 forecast) by balancing the capacity of Sunwind operations. Ans. The elements of a JIT programme would be as follows: 1) Make to order strategy and not make to stock. This will reduce over production which not only creates excessive lead times and inventory but also makes it difficult to detect defects. 2) Reduction of inventory level so as to identify quality issues more promptly and effectively thereby correcting at source instead of creating rejections at end. ) Setting a plant layout such that the distance between adjacent workstation is minimum. This will reduce material handling cost and time. Excessive movement of products can at times cause damage and deterioration of product quality. 4) Manufacturing lead time to be minimum so as to reduce waiting time for starting production when an order is booked. 5) Close ties with supplier making sure they are located in close geographic proximity in order to promote strong partnerships and better synchronise product flows.Current status and requirements for adopting JIT in Sunwind: 1) High raw material and WIP inventory level. High batch sizes don’t allow problems to surface immediately. This hinders quality check at source. Few of the quality control procedures were followed in practice. Processes were not monitored formally. Defects were inspected by customers after delivery instead of identification in-house. Defective mate rials were rejected by eliminating the problem but no summary statements were available in Sunwind concerning the rejects.Sun Wind needs to reduce its inventory level and present MLT so as to identify defects at source thereby reducing cost as rejection rate comes down. 2) Presently in Sun wind due to extended delivery lead time of some items (eg. Carpeting) the purchasing department uses a 3-6 months planning horizon. On the contrary the production planning department focuses on first four weeks of delivery schedule which unnecessarily increases the inventory level. As a result raw material inventory unnecessarily goes up.Sun Wind should ask it supplier to reduce this lead time as it is planning to go for JIT. The benefits of a successful JIT can only be realized if your inventory levels are low. Considering suppliers as partners in venture can build long term profitable relationship wherein there is a win-win situation for everyone. 3) Sun Wind is presently operating in moderate b atches which is giving a very high Manufacturing lead time which is not acceptable for a JIT . To meet the increased demand for Volvo Sunwind needs to improve its cycle time as well as reduce its MLT by reducing batch size.Only operation 6 has a significant set up time which has to be reduced for going to JIT by enacting machine controls or preparing for changeovers while a job currently in production is still being processed. 4) In Sunwind the workstation load at different operations is not uniform. The cycle time at different processes vary considerably. As a result there is inventory pile up at workstations with high cycle time. Capacity planning and line balancing are to be used to meet the changed requirement of Volvo plant in 1987. In 1987, Volvo needs 65000 units of 700 series 5-door station wagons.To meet this demand Sunwind needs to produce =65000/52= 1250 units/week. At current capacity Sunwind can only produce 350 units/week. To meet the demand Sunwind needs to produce=12 50/5=250 units/day. We propose change in number of workers and number of shifts to meet the required demand(considering Save plant of Sunwind alone will be producing for all Volvo plants) as shown below. Present Situation Proposed Capacity Planning and line balancing to meet new requirement In this changed line balancing the bottleneck operation is Operation 6 with a cycle time of 2. 83 mins.Since operation 6 has got maximum set up time and Sunwind is producing 32 combinations of part/color/carpet, we assume Japanese concept of heijunka for a JIT, a batch of 32 each wherein all the varieties will be there per batch. Assuming a reduced set up time of 15 mins /batch for JIT achieved by machine control , we get a cycle time of 2. 83+0. 47= 3. 3 mins. Since this operation is run for two shifts the daily production will be = 2*8*60/3. 3= 290 units/day. Operation 7 which has a lower cycle time becomes the bottle neck as the process is run for 1 shift only. No of units produced /day = 8*60 /1. 3=262 units. Hence we can say the actual bottleneck is operation 7 with a cycle time of 1. 83 mins which run for single shift. Hence this becomes the cycle time for the entire batch process. To meet this requirement 3 additional workers at Sun wind’s Save factory are needed as per changed capacity planning. In this scenario of JIT an operational efficiency of above 95 % will be needed to meet the demand requirement of 250 units/day or 1250 units/week (assuming 5 days week) If each batch of JIT is 32 units, in that case per day no of batches produced will be =250/32=7. Hence a JIT will shorten the Manufacturing lead time thereby reducing the inventory level and lumpy requirements on different workstations. This will help identify defects immediately and strengthen quality control measures and help achieve higher efficiency. MLT for JIT= WIP* Cycle time = 32*6*1. 83=351. 4 mins=5. 86 hours. Q 10 Assuming that Sunwind is now ready for JIT delivery (hope so, based on your Q1 to 9 analysis and suggested improvement), how to synchronize the delivery of product 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda Plant? For this you may require the one day demand of Torsdland plant) Ans. The actual demand of 5 door model 700 for Volvo’s Torslanda Plant is 1985 is 17050. The total demand for Volvo isn 1985 is 33665. So Torslanda plant produced around 51 % of total Volvo’s production. Considering the same percentage production of total Volvo’s requirement, by using the overall forecasted demand of Volvo plant in 1986, Torslanda plant will require to produce =51% of 62400= 31824 units annually.Hence per week demand is calculated to be=31824/52= 612 units. Since Sunwind runs 5 days a week, daily production requirement will be=612/5= 122 units. Considering new Capacity planning and line balancing for Sunwind as in Q7, our cycle time is 1. 83 mins ( bottleneck process 7 running for single shift). As the bottleneck operation is for single shift, in orde r to synchronise the delivery of products 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda plant we need to have an MLT which will be atleast= 8*60/4= 120 mins.Considering the previously arrived cycle time of 1. 83 mins in Q7 There will be WIP of equal size at 6 different work stations (Operation 1 to 7) where processing will be done in batches. Hence maximum batch size that can be allowed so as to make a just in time delivery of new order booked 4 times a day =120/(6*1. 83)=11 Lot sizes of 11 units if produced in JIT system can enable us to deliver products 4 times a day, if the product criteria and combination is known beforehand.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

iPad Shortcuts for Students

iPad Shortcuts for Students iPad Shortcuts for Students The influence and growth of modern digital technologies is undeniable. More and more spheres are going digital and information technologies are getting more and more sophisticated. Brand new devices can even be confusing at times! Along with the number of possibilities that become available with the help of new gadgets, the number of potential complications increases too! Today students commonly use iPad for a number of its advantages. First, its comparatively small and portable. Second, being equipped with a number of functions, it makes a student’s life easier! The tips suggested in the following article can help students get the most out of their iPad by using it effectively. Easy shifting among the apps To make your work with iPad quick you have to learn how to shift between various apps. As the vice president of the Gravit8 Marketing Andrea Morcherman, suggests, the best possible way to open the multitask menu is to tap the home button twice or to swipe upwards with four fingers (Flavin, 2014). In this way you’ll open all the apps which you’ve recently used. You can also use this method to copy and paste information from one app into another. Get more with the triple click! Its quick and easy to open the multitasking bar with a double-click. One interesting fact is that a triple-click will increase general access in general settings to the menu. A simple triple-click will activate additional options like changing the colour of the screen, zoom function and voiceover (Flavin, 2014). Make typing more convenient A majority of people use both hands when typing. Though holding your tablet this may turn out to be rather challenging! Find the keyboard button and hold it in the right bottom corner and select the option split. You’ll get two halves of the keyboard on each side of the screen. You’ll then be able to type with both thumbs while holding the gadget upright (Flavin, 2014). Isnt it much more convenient to use two parts of the keyboard instead of one? Creating a foreign language massage on your iPad Sometimes you need to type some information or just a single word in a foreign language using a simple English language keyboard. This can be discouraging! Still, theres a perfect solution! Its simple to get access to the whole range of accents and characters by just holding a letter down until you notice the grid on the screen (Flavin, 2014). Taking immediate screen shots As your iPad encompasses the function of a camera, you have a nice chance to take any kind of pictures, and save them, no matter what it might be: a menu in a cafà © or the schedule of your sessions for the next semester. To make an immediate screenshot, hold the home button and the Sleep\Wake button, which is on top right corner of your iPad simultaneously for a few seconds. Soon you’ll notice that the screenshot you need is in the camera roll (Flavin, 2014). Bingo! As easy as that! Create your own list of abbreviations Theres always a number of addresses which are frequently used. It can be good idea to make the list of abbreviations in your General Settings. Your first step is to type some text in the phrase box. Second, add the abbreviation that will be connected with this text into the shortcut box. Done! Next time instead of typing the name of the site you often use, it will be inserted by means of auto-fill function after typing just a few initial letters. Why not save time this way? Enjoy using E-books for your studies One essential advantage from your iPad can save money! Prices often tend to increase and delivery service is sometimes late. Taking into account the opinion of Jordan Schiefer, IT and web specialist, by installing Apples iBook application, students can forget about spending money on textbooks and download any course textbook they need! Flavin. 10 iPad Shortcuts to Make Your Life Easier. 5 Apr. 2014. http://rasmussen.edu/

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance in German

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance in German One of the best ways to learn German is to use something that youre already familiar with. For German students in the United States, the Pledge of Allegiance is a great lesson that can be tailored to beginners and advanced students.   The majority of American students grow up citing the Pledge of Allegiance (Der amerikanische Treueschwur). Its fixed in our memories from a very young age, so learning it in German can really help students understand and practice grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary in a single and recognizable sentence. U.S. Pledge of Allegiance(DerAmerikanischeTreueschwur) In this instance, we use der Treueschwur  for the  English word  and the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance translates to der  amerikanische  Treueschwur  or  Treueschwur der USA. Taking those famous words, I pledge allegiance... into German is a matter of finding the right vocabulary and placing it in the correct word order. The Pledge can be an excellent lesson for students of all levels. Beginners can use it to practice German pronunciation and learn some new vocabulary while reciting it with the familiar cadence. Intermediate students can use it to study word order and proper German grammar. Advanced students can make their own attempts to translate the Pledge into German own, then compare it to the examples given. Keep in mind that translation from one language to another is never perfect or word for word. As you can see in the two examples, different words can mean the same thing. For instance,  schwà ¶re  means swear and  gelobe  means vow, but theyre both used for the verb pledge. Another example is the words  jeden  (each) and  alle  (all).  They both can be used to mean everyone, which is what the Pledge implies by all. It should be noted, however, that the first translation is the more widely accepted version of the two. German translation 1: „Ich schwà ¶re Treue auf die Fahne der Vereingten Staaten von Amerika und die Republik, fà ¼r die sie steht, eine Nation unter Gott, unteilbar, mit Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit fà ¼r jeden.â€Å" German translation 2: „Ich gelobe Treue der Fahne der Vereingten Staaten von Amerika und der Republik, fà ¼r die sie steht, eine Nation unter Gott, unteilbar, mit Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit fà ¼r alle.â€Å" The Pledge of Allegiance: â€Å" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.† Who Wrote the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance? The Pledge of Allegiance was written by Baptist minister and socialist Francis Bellamy. It first appeared in The Youths Companion  magazine in 1892 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. The original oath used the phrase â€Å"my flag† rather than â€Å"the flag of the United States of America.† The change was made in 1923. The next alteration occurred in 1954 when Congress inserted the phrase â€Å"under God.† It is interesting to note that, according to his granddaughter, Bellamy himself would have objected to this religious amendment. Additionally, the author had  originally wanted to include the word â€Å"equality† in front of â€Å"liberty and justice.† He reluctantly left that word out because he felt it controversial. Equality did not seem right to him given the fact that women and African Americans were not considered equal by many people in 1892.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

SARS Outbreak in Toronto Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SARS Outbreak in Toronto - Research Paper Example But he was not sure how to communicate the crisis to the community at large. Moreover, a timeline of events occurred that led to misinformation to the public thus proving a difficult task to find ways to curb the epidemic. Many of those mistakes were preventable, for instance the World Health Organization produced numerous reports contradicting to the previous ones. In their reports the disease which had been stated as having an incubation period of two days was later said to have a ten days incubation period. For another thing, the disease was at one time thought as been bacterial, besides it being viral so this made it harder to cure the disease. Additionally, the mode of transmission was said to be through immediate contact with an infected individual but later on the virus was found that it might live on surfaces for days. Communication errors also made it difficult to manage the situation; whenever a report was released by the WHO it was not marked as important but was placed in other categories as normal flues. Moreover, there was a detachment amongst organizations. The physicians could have prioritized the urgency of the reports so as to make it easier for disease prevention. In addition to the information gap, the structure of health care systems and public health in Ontario and Toronto was another root cause of this endemic. Most hospitals in Toronto operated devoid of any local health authority leading them. Also, there were no pandemic control centers that could be delegated authority in cases of an outbreak. Lastly, spokespersons conveyed inconsistent information’s and this ensued confusion. Therefore, the core problem that led to SARS getting out of hand is misinformation by the WHO. If the reports could convey genuine information then even if there was poor communication between companies, those measures could have been put in place and would have helped to curb the endemic (Berry,